

过去的这一年似乎玩了很多游戏,不过也坑了很多。年中的时候买了Nintendo Swtich,相比去年买了更多的铁盒。但是总的来说由于工作的缘故,玩游戏的时间比去年少多了。

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Site Migrated to Jekyll


Finally I migrated from Wordpress to Jekyll. The main reason is performance and security. And the site is now hosted on Github pages, this saves me both money and time. I really don’t like wasting time in tuning MYSQL or Apache due to the limited resource on DigitalOcean droplet(I chose the cheapest one).

Although the site looks primitive now, I’m not sure I will improve it. Front-end stuff is not interesting for me and current one is just acceptable.

For migration process, I’ve done following things:

  1. Export all posts in Wordpress by plugin.
  2. Set up Jekyll site locally and import all posts.
  3. Fix format and image issues in imported posts.
  4. Migrate comments in Disqus.
  5. Deploy the site to Github pages.

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Under XML-RPC attack recently


The site is being down frequently in recent two months. At first I was too lazy to fix it, so I received tons of alert emails from NewRelic which is quite annoying. From NewRelic analysis page, the site was having too much traffic with POST request to xml-rpc.php file and then my database eat up all memory. As a result, site went down. This is a typical wordpress xml-rpc attack.

With the help of this article, I’ve done the modification to my configuration files. Hopefully the site is more robust from now on.

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